Video-installation 'YOU'
The videos on the monitors are recorded in the same room, a spacious room with white walls, so you can walk around the installation and you can can observe the installation from the outside. But by the lightness of the space and the transparency of the steel skeletons you feel free enough to penetrate and go inside the installation. The visitor is invited to come closer, because of the monitors are facing downwards and are directed towards the center. The videos show people four talking heads; they are recorded in the same white space and they speak the same text. They all speak the same English text, but because of their mixed backgrounds you can hear on their accents that they are not English. The sound of the installation comes from the videos. It consists of silence followed by the text, silence again and a different text. First there is a silence of two minutes, after that all four heads are simultaneously speaking the same text. All with their own sound, tone and rhythm. But starting at the same time. The text is clearly audible but not loud. Which again invites the visitor to come closer and stand inside the circle.