Two channel video:
The first video is showing a explanation in English, i.e.
'From the first 5 English emails I received today, I took the 5th row. From these 5 sentences I changed the 5th word into the 5th word out of the title from a song from a different language.' Then the video displays the 5 different sentences with the 5th word changed into a word from a song from another language then English. It could happen that you know the mismatched word.
In the second video we see 5 people whose first language is not English. They are saying the same sentences, which are also displayed in the first video. Here the emphasis is not on the text, but on the people saying the text. The people are placed in their (temporarely) private space.
- Jul 9 2011, Paradoxes in Video (Video Exhibit), curator Larry Caveney, San Diego/United States
Jan 21-Feb 27 2011, Solo Exhibition at Demolden Video Project, Santander/Spain Exhibition-postcard>>
A film by
Kim Engelen
Luis Bezeta (Spain), Vibeke Erichsen (Norway), Johanna Friedman (Sweden), Nicolas Tromp (France)
San Francisco, CA/USA
Double channel installation:
Power Point Video 16x9, length 1'16
iPod Touch Video 16x9, length 0'58