Become an Art Friend:
Per year 75 Euro (80 USD):
Students only pay 1 Euro (1 USD) as a symbolic amount.
To: K.M.W. Engelen
IBAN: NL48 INGB 0004 2874 29
With your friendship you support international artist Kim Engelen. As an Art Friend you get many benefits:
Every year 1 free artbook by Kim Engelen.
You will receive weekly Art Friend messages with the latest art acts by Kim Engelen, and access to the Art Friends-only section.
Invitation for the Art Friends day.
For a meet and greet with the artist
(and other Art Friends like you).
VIP-invitations for openings and exhibitions.
- When you extend your friendship as an
Art Friend you will receive every new year
Kim Engelen collectors item.
- Participation in art projects.
- 20% discount when buying art by Kim Engelen.
Your support amount
runs per calendar year: currently 2019. |
Exhibition Sun-Penetrations-The Visitor,
Square Gallery, Shanghai (June 2019)
Project Immigration Track-listing,
Le Sud, Rotterdam (December 2011)
Introduction day (21 April 2006)
Introduction day (28
November 2004)