All the Aftermath-Sculptures are lost. What is left is the Book-Sculpture and the Photographs.
Monika wrote me that she wishes to be happy more often than unhappy!
This large silkscreen is framed and glazed with Optium Museum Acrylic®
Next to Peter are standing fellow interested tree lovers. And his love
Ousmane's pose has something truly independent about it.
With this sparkling nail polish, I also painted his jacket, which connects us somehow.
Kendo and many martial arts often have powerful philosophies. Which can guide the person who practices it.
Someone sliced it open in middle. It was an unrequested act of violent co-work on my painting.
It's more like tracing or sketching really. And then I add my "epiphany" or "confession".
I strive that my art continuously grows into the best it can be.